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May 26, 1999

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In November of 1998, U.S. FBI counterintelligence forces provided President Clinton, Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson, Secretary of Defense William Cohen and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright a detailed report on the Chinese infiltration of U.S. top secret nuclear labs. In the report, there were over 300 instances where outsiders had penetrated our top secret computers and taken our most advanced technical information on thermonuclear weaponry.

Then, in March of 1999, President Clinton, when asked about the espionage scandal, responded - "To the best of my knowledge, no one has said anything to me about any espionage, which occurred by the Chinese against the labs, during my presidency."

Attorney General Janet Reno was also made aware of the ongoing threat to our national security, however, she didn't allow the FBI to investigate. Specifically, when informed of the spying at the Department of Energy, she denied a wiretap of suspected spies' telephone lines when DOE intelligence officials asked for one, as well as refused to allow a warrant to search computers at the DOE.

All the while, the Peoples Republic of China was making numerous cash donations to the Democratic National Committee in violation of federal law.

It is now universally accepted that the Chinese stole every bit of top secret information on all of the United States thermonuclear weaponry, including our never deployed neutron bomb technology.

Maybe it is difficult to stop Chinese espionage when you are busy unzipping your fly for Monica Lewinsky, and at the same time accepting cash from the Peoples Republic of China.

The Clinton Spinmeisters will blame George Bush and Ronald Reagan. They will parse sentences, and redefine words. They will blatantly lie. And the Clintonistas will defend these traitorous acts.

Don't for a minute listen to the spin coming from the White House. Let's address the truth, and make rational judgment. Let's define Bill Clinton. He is a confirmed liar, adulterer, and perjurer. He is an accused rapist, a charge that he never denied.

Let's add traitor to his long and sordid legacy. 

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