The following was published on the Op-Ed page of the Delaware County Daily Times at the end of December, 1998.

As our nation continues through societal evolution, true leadership is emerging from the elite Ivy League Liberal pointy headed constitutional scholars, Hollywood Hipsters, and your basic run of the mill criminals, liars, and adulterers.

Typical of this lunacy is the performance of Alec Baldwin of Hollywood fame, suggesting on the Conan O’Brien show that if these were the good old days, true Americans would go to Washington and stone Republican Henry Hyde to death and then go off and kill the rest of his family. What a great platform the Democratic party has embraced.

Whereas, those that choose to follow the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States of America are evil, meanspirited, mad dog, white supremacist racist bigots. I believe that comes from one of the great liberal minds of our time, Alan Dershowitz. Right on Dersh, you hit that nail right on the head, but you left out Nazi, naïve, and baby eating. Not only that, we are also pretty stupid. How dare we utilize our conscience and moral backbone as a guide.

We have totally forsaken the decade of greed, and our Republican Representatives are voting to impeach a President that has lied under oath, obstructed justice, committed adultery, tampered with witnesses, and abused a cigar, with the full knowledge that such a position is totally unacceptable to the will of the American people.

But the Republicans will get theirs. After the House impeaches the President, a trial will take place in the Senate, and Bill Clinton will be found not guilty because the Democratic Party will vote as a block. And the nation shall celebrate. Such a celebration will redefine society as we know it. Perjury, lying under oath, adultery, witness tampering and obstruction of justice will become acceptable conduct for the President of the United States. Maybe we should eliminate the position of President, and go back to King.

But what effect will this have on the rest of us. We will become "tolerant" of such behavior, to the point of acceptance. Not only will "tolerance" be the buzz word of the millennium, judgment shall become the greatest evil that an individual could commit. When our children lie, cheat and steal, tolerance will be the proper response. Should we dare judge our children when confronted with their lies, misdeeds, or thievery? Heavens no, as this would be meanspirited and evil. Better yet, we should compliment them on being presidential.

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