Presidential Election Fraud

The following was published in the Delaware County Daily Times December 11, 2000

As certain as President Clinton stained a blue dress and the oval office, the Democrats have done the same to the electoral process. A fair conclusion from this presidential election is that Floridians and Democrats, in general, have the mental faculties of a box of rocks. Further, they have the character and morals of a city sewer rat.

The point of contention is that the ballots were illegal, too complex and too difficult for the average Dummycrat. Considering that the ballots were designed by Dummycrats, approved by Dummycrats and sent to every registered voter prior to the election, one should conclude that any illiterate could have properly voted in the election. But the Dummycrats want us to believe that they are too stupid to properly vote, and therefore we need to make exceptions for their own buffoonery. I hate to admit it, but if the Gore legal team filed suit in overturning the election because of democratic stupidity, they would win.

The robotic mantra of the Dummycrats has been mind-numbing. "The will of the people, every vote should count, the rule of law, inclusion, disenfranchisement" ad nauseum spews like projectile vomit from the mouths of the liberal spinmeisters. What is so offensive is that these are the same people that developed the strategy to illegally disqualify the absentee ballots of our military people overseas. Their true mantra is "every vote for Gore should be counted, and the military votes be damned."

Upon losing the election, the democRATS began the systematic trampling of the rule of law, the Constitution and the will of the people. Teams of lawyers descended upon Florida, lawsuits were filed and recounts were authorized. According to law, recounts are only permissible in the case of voter fraud or machine failure, neither of which happened. In one of the suits, the Gore team provided an affidavit to the court citing Illinois state case law that "dimpled ballots" should be counted. The only problem is that affidavit was blatantly false, perpetrating a fraud upon the court. Further, the court went beyond their constitutional authority of interpreting law and actually enacted law when they changed specific dates for the certification of the vote.

To further insult the integrity of the Republican party and the intelligence of the American people, the DEMONcrats alleged tha the recounts were improper, as they did not get enough additional votes. The only point to be made here is that in the three select Democratic counties, the majority of officials in charge were Democrats.

George W. Bush won the initial vote. George W. Bush won the second machine recount. He went on to win the absentee ballot count. He won the third recount. And now the majority of the American people are of the opinion that it is time to move on. It is time for Al Gore to concede.

So, in conclusion, the Democrats designed the ballots, controlled the manual recount of the votes, had full support of the liberal democratic Florida Supreme Court, and still have failed to steal the election.

How could anyone with an ounce of intelligence want these people to run their country?

© 2001

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