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Sneaky Republicans to Entrap President

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October 17, 1998

Has anyone heard about the "44 word letter" that Ken Starr sent to members of Congress?

In this letter, Starr begs for CongressCritters to "handle in confidence" specific materials relating to the ongoing "Presidential Oval Office Groping of Kathleen Willey".

The Republicans, showing all the political expertise of a tree stump, have pretty much made a complete abomination of the greatest opportunity ever presented to them in recent history.

But, could all of this be a ruse? Could these wascally weepublicans again, be setting the trap for Bill Clinton?

Over the weekend, the White House specifically mentioned that Starr could possibly be guilty of entrapment. Should these allegations prove true, Ken Starr shall go from evil to the antichrist himself.

Anyway, I am predicting that the crux of the impeachment proceedings will be based not on Monica Lewinsky, perjury, or obstruction of justice. It will be a set up to get Clinton to provide testimony about the "Presidential Oval Office Groping of Kathleen Willey".

After Clinton lies in his testimony, the prosecution will provide at least two witnesses that will corroborate Willey’s accusations.

Dan Gecker, Willey's lawyer, and friend and co-worker, Marlene MacDonald have already provided statements on the record to the FBI that supposedly corroborate the accusation that Clinton groped Willey in the Oval Office.

Nathan Landow, a senior Democratic Fund Raiser, who knew Willey socially, will also be considered as witness material. However, when called before the grand jury by Starr, Landow took the fifth. Rumors have it that he spoke with Willey, and suggested that she lie in her testimony regarding the Presidential Oval Office Groping.

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