Old People
July 2, 1999
I can't wait to become a senior citizen. That won't be for another 21 years, but nonetheless, it is something I look forward to.
I will be the old fart in the express checkout lane with 100 items, and paying for them with an out of state check and no identification.
To put it mildly, old people really piss me off. They are the most selfish, self centered creatures on planet earth. It also bothers me that society in general caters to them. They get senior citizen discounts for dining, public transportation, groceries, haircuts, prescriptions, medical services, and just about everything under the sun. They drive cars the size of a small houses, drive slow in the fast lane, don't use their turn signals, and are so goddammed blind they can't even see me when I flip them the bird.
Now our illustrious president is going to give them free prescription drugs. I would like to point out to the president that this will not be free. It will be paid for by me and my children. I am getting sick and tired of senior citizens spending money that does not belong to them, and handing me the bill. Even more bothersome is that a reprehensible piece of human garbage like Bill Clinton can stand in front of the American people, and proclaim that he will be "giving" senior citizens free prescription drugs, and not be challenged on this. The press acts as if Bill Clinton himself is going to pay for this program. What a great guy! Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that the bill will be passed on to the working taxpayers of this country.
The old curmudgeons should be ashamed of themselves. How can anyone with a conscience spend money, and expect the bills to be paid by their children and grandchildren? I wish that someone in the national media would ask that question.
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