The Ridley Township
Business Association is a charitable
non-profit organization
comprised solely of volunteers
whose purpose is to improve
the quality of life in Ridley
Township by service to the
community. It seeks to
collaborate with other
organizations to enable individuals
to achieve their fullest
potential by developing
self-confidence, self-
respect, and an appreciation of
their own self-worth.
The Ridley Township Business Association (RTBA) is a
charitable non-profit organization consisting of a network of business
volunteers gathered together for the purposes of information exchange,
addressing of business and community concerns, encouraging participation
in community activities, recognizing outstanding achievement in the
township and improving the quality of life for all Ridley Township
residents and businesses.
Once upon a time in the years of 1947, 1948 and 1949 Anthony Capozzoli,
Camillo Casciatto, Adolph Millman and John Fizzano began to make plans
for the formation of a business association in the Township of Ridley.
The years mentioned, 1948 to 1950 were the "growing pain" years
and on March 13, 1950, the first meeting of the Ridley Township Business
Association was held at Tony's Cafe.
The first solicitor of the organization, Francis J. Catania, worked
with the organization from 1950 to 1954 to secure a charter and in 1954
the organization was incorporated. The first by-laws were adopted in 1951.
During the course of the 50 years much growth has been evidenced and
numerous worthwhile projects have been conducted and accomplished. Over
$35,000 has been given to deserving young people who graduated from high
school and have gone on to college. In some instances, a scholarship from
the RTBA made quite a bit of difference in the student's decision to go or
not to go to college.
The organization contributed approximately $4000 to the Ridley Township
Public Library in the beginning when a classroom was used in the Woodlyn
Elementary school, and then on to a small room at the Municipal Building.
Now this library is self-sufficient and supported by taxes. The RTBA was
partly responsible for the library existing in the early days, the yearly
contribution was most necessary and much appreciated.
Today, the members of the The Ridley Township Business Association
continue to strive for community improvement and awareness through regular
monthly meetings, community social events, banquets and other activities.
We welcome you to participate by mailing in a completed Membership
Application found on this website, or by just stopping by for more
information at one of our membership meetings held on the fourth Tuesday
of every month.